Protect your legacy

Get Small Business Insurance!

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    What is a Small Business Insurance?

    If you are thinking of starting up or currently own a Small Business which is made of 100 employees or less, this is the right moment to get covered: Protect your merchandise, your premises, personnel and also injuries to third parties.

    There are many types of insurance for businesses including coverage for property damage, legal liability and employee-related risks. If you, as business owner don’t feel that you the ability to effectively assess your business risk and the need for coverage, we will help you with our experienced and licensed insurance services.

    Your Small Business Insurance will cover:

    Insurance for all applicable local laws

    Business interruption insurance

    Natural events

    Damage to third parties

    Equipment and machinery

    Furniture and modifications to the building

     Coverage for personal and third party belongings

    Raw material, stock, product under production and finished goods

    Yoy may also be interested in Commercial Vehicle insurance for your small business

    Commercial vechicle insurance helps pay for medical bills and property damage related to an accident in a business-owned vehicle. It also covers vehicle theft and other types of vehicle damage.

    Get your Certificate in 2 HOURS!

    With KYC Insurance®  your certificate delivery is fast and easy!

    NOTICE: Some policies may take longer depending on current status and other special considerations.

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